Dentons a anunțat promovarea a șase noi parteneri în Regatul Unit și Orientul Mijlociu. Noii parteneri provin din mai multe arii de practica:
Natalia Fludra – London, Dispute Resolution
Michelle Lamb – Milton Keynes, People, Reward & Mobility
Faye Garvey – Milton Keynes, Corporate
Adam Pierce – London, Banking & Finance
Dean Ryburn – Dubai, Dispute Resolution
Stephen Temple – London, Banking & Finance
Adam Pierce devine primul Practice Development Lawyer care a fost promovat in pozitia de Knowledge Partner. Rolul său se concentrează pe furnizarea de training și suport colegilor și clienților, automatizarea proceselor și managementul documentelor și coordonarea unor activități pro bono precum Fair Finance Initiative.
„Bringing such a talented group of lawyers into the partnership at a time of unprecedented economic challenges demonstrates the faith we have in their ability to support our clients for years to come. Promoting our first Knowledge Partner is an important step for us, demonstrating the emphasis we place on developing lawyers of the future while delivering best in class knowledge management and innovation to clients. These talented lawyers represent the future of Dentons as we remain focused on our ambition to become the leading global law firm in the UK & Middle East.” a declarat Jeremy Cohen, CEO UK & Middle East Dentons.