Acasă HR LAW Pagina 4


Moldovan office of Vernon | David is currently looking for lawyers with at least 2+ years of experience

We are #hiring! Moldovan office of Vernon | David is currently looking for lawyers with at least 2+ years of experience. The ideal candidate would have experience in one of the following areas: litigation, corporate & commercial law, banking & finance, M&A and/or labor and...

Suciu | The Employment Law firm is hiring!

Are you passionate about employment law? Willing to think outside the box? Eager to work in a relaxed environment where trust replaces micromanagement? Then make sure you send your CV to info@suciu-employmentlaw.ro. Suciu | The Employment Law Firm is hiring a senior associate who has 5+...

Anunț privind deschiderea procedurii pentru angajarea unei persoane pentru poziția de referent în cadrul Departamentului pentru perfecționarea legislației profesiei și legătura cu Parlamentul și alte organe și instituții centrale...

Uniunea Națională a Barourilor din România  (UNBR), în conformitate cu dispozițiile art. 67 alin. (1) lit. c) și d) din Legea nr. 51/1995 pentru organizarea și exercitarea profesiei de avocat, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, art. 87 din Statutul profesiei de avocat și...

Clifford Chance is looking for junior/middle level associates to join the Corporate M&A and Real Estate team in the Bucharest office

Send your CV by e-mail at cristian.radu@cliffordchance.com if You have 2-4 years experience in Corporate M&A/Real Estate, ideally within an international law firm. You have successfully passed an academic Law degree and you are member of the Bucharest Bar. You have excellent English writing...

MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII Anunț Junior Associates

Mușat & Associates is currently looking to expand its team of junior associates within the program for initial professional development in business law, for the following practice areas of the firm: Mergers & Acquisitions and Capital Markets, Real Estate & Banking Law, Telecommunications, IT...

Suciu The Employment Law Firm recrutează Associate

?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????! Are you passionate about employment law? Willing to think outside the box? Eager to work in a relaxed environment where trust replaces micromanagement? Then make sure you send your CV to info@suciu-employmentlaw.ro. #WEAREHIRING an associate who has 1 to 3 years...

Mușat & Asociații is looking to expand its Labour & Employee Benefits team in Bucharest with a Senior Associate and an Associate

Ideal candidate: 3-8 years of experience in the practices of Labour Law, Corporate and Commercial Law, preferably to have worked for minimum 3 years on Labour Law; fully qualified lawyer with relevant professional experience in the field of consultancy (experience in litigation is an...

Lansăm HRLaw.ro, cea mai vizibilă platformă de recrutare și HR în Avocatura românească. Elitele din business recrutează Aici!

LegalMarketing lansează un nou website, după RLA.ro (Romanian legal Awards) și WIL.ro (Woman în Law). HRLAW.ro este nouă platformă dedicată exclusiv recrutărilor din elita Avocaturii românești. Portalul va oferi cea mai mare vizibilitate pe piață juridică din România, cu valori de trafic de zeci...